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Have You Heard of NeuroMarketing?

Jeremy Tyler

Marketing psychology, also known as neuromarketing, is the application of psychological ideologies to a marketing strategy.

Want to connect with your customer base on a deeper level? Maybe it’s time to consider what goes into the psychology of marketing. Any purchase decision ever made has had an underlying psychological need behind it.

Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior. Businesses can use this to their advantage if they know what to look for. Psychology and marketing go hand-in- hand, and below are few notable points.

Make Sure You are Memorable

It is important to capture and direct your audience’s attention. Say you’re working on a blog and want your audience to pay attention to an important CTA (call to action) such as an image, video, or a link. Mention your CTA explicitly in your writing, or by making it stand out on their screens.

There is a phenomenon where people tend to view people who are like them more favorably, and it is called in-group favoritism. A good way to influence your customers to do something is to say that customers in their similar situation have done it too. Look to find common ground with them.

Keep it Simple

Do not clutter your webpages. Web pages with lots of ads and content can be very overwhelming and make it difficult to find what you really want your customers to pay attention to.

Specifically in our age of information overload, this has resulted in shorter attention spans. Look to engage your audience and capture their undivided attention. Appealing to the senses works here as well.

Use Your Eyes

Eye contact is important when you’re talking and engaging with your clientele. In your marketing material such as advertisements, try to keep this in mind. There is a reason kids favorite cereal boxes have characters with their eyes looking down on the box.

4 Examples of Color Psychology

Red: Can increase a viewer’s heart rate and blood pressure. It is affiliated with passion and energy. Companies can also use red to display a sense of urgency.

Orange: Associated with happiness and getting things done. Along with other warm colors like yellow, orange may express enthusiasm and other strong positive emotions.

Blue: Light blue is usually connected with peace and gentleness, while dark blue represents power, strength, and dependability.

Green: Associated with growth and nature. Green also has a calming effect, along with other cool colors like purple.

Utilizing some of these marketing psychology (neuromarketing) tips will help you take advantage of some of the known factors of human behavior to better your marketing efforts, and influence people’s purchasing decisions.

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